0x80073701 2021
0x80073701 2021

0x80073701 2021

The error in the CBS.

0x80073701 2021 0x80073701 2021

i.e: checking if the package is duplicate: PS /> $result. 1 Hi there, I have an error installing Windows Defender on an Windows 2016 Server Standard. This would return an object that looks like this: PS /> $result $result = foreach($line in $log | Select-String 'ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING') If you receive the same message and error on subsequent retries, try this workaround to mitigate the issue: Select the start button and type cmd Right click or long press on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator. Here is the full code: #Read CBS log file contents into memory 0x80073701 0x800f0988 Workaround First, you should try checking for updates again. I am having trouble matching on the (ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING) part that does exist in the log file inside parentheses, but does not contain the ' symbol/mark. I am trying to scan the CBS log file for a certain string of words and then clean up the registry but I am receiving a null value error.

0x80073701 2021